Order from Chaos: A Worm’s Eye View of Some Classical Birds I Have Known
In November 2023, at a conference of the Classical Association of South Africa, I presented an idiosyncratic view of the quirks, foibles, and academic grandeur of many distinguished Classicists I have encountered over the past seventy years. My talk covered South African scholars such as Professors Frans Smuts, André Hugo, Lydia Baumbach, Suretha Bruwer, Bert van Stekelenburg, Piet Conradie, and Jannie Louw. I also reflected on international figures like Sir Ronald Syme, Jasper Griffin, Francis Cairns, Peter Green, Frank Snowden, and Elaine Fantham. These scholars were seen through my unique perspective, often with a touch of humour, but always with deep respect for their contributions.
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