Achilles Statius Lusitanus (1524–1581): New Research and Perspectives on the Fifth Centenary of His Birth
Edited by Paolo Garofalo and Riccardo Montalto
Paola Paesano
Paolo Garofalo, Riccardo Montalto
Editors’ Preface
Isabella Iannuzzi
Ch. I: Achilles Statius: A Portuguese Humanist in Mid-16th Century Rome
Paolo Garofalo
Ch. II: A Preliminary Investigation of Achilles Statius’ Correspondence: The Vallicellian Manuscripts B 102 and B 106
Joan Carbonell Manils
Ch. III: Aquiles Estaço y Antonio Agustín entre amigos, cartas, epígrafes y libros
José C. Miralles Maldonado
Ch. IV: Poema laudatorio al papa Pío IV compuesto por Aquiles Estaço: edición y estudio
Alejandra Guzmán Almagro
Ch. V: Aquiles Estaço y las Inscripciones no Itálicas
Ginette Vagenheim
Ch. VI: Schedae epigraphicae di eruditi nella raccolta di Achille Stazio (1524–1581) conservata alla Biblioteca Vallicelliana (cod. B. 104): Pirro Ligorio (1512 c.–1581), Nicolaus Florentius (Roma 1558–1564), Ottavio Pantagato (1494–1567) e Pedro Chacón (1526–1581)
Elisabetta Caldelli
Ch. VII: Stazio annotatore di ‘libri’
Riccardo Montalto
Ch. VIII: The Origins of the Greek Library
Livia Marcelli
Ch. IX: Un’aldina di Stazio a Parigi e una lettera scomparsa: i “dispersi” del lascito
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